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  • Blog April 25, 2024

    The Impact of Telehealth on Healthcare Talent Needs

    5 Minutes Read


Telehealth has rapidly transformed from a niche service to a fundamental component of modern healthcare delivery. Defined broadly as the use of digital information and communication technologies to access health care services remotely, telehealth improves the convenience, cost, and quality of patient care. As this technology continues to evolve and integrate into more healthcare systems, particularly accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial to examine its profound impact on healthcare talent needs.

Overview of Telehealth Growth

The expansion of telehealth services has been nothing short of exponential. Recent studies indicate that telehealth adoption has surged by over 80% in some regions since the beginning of 2020.

Over 20% of adult patients had a telehealth visit in July 2022, illustrating continued high utilization post-pandemic (U.S. Census Bureau, Household Pulse Survey, 2022).

In the Asia-Pacific region, there was a 52% increase in the use of telehealth services by primary physicians/general practitioners from 4% to 56% between 2019 and 2021 (Willis Towers Watson, 2021).

This growth isn’t just in response to pandemic-related restrictions; it’s also driven by advances in technology, changing patient expectations, and evolving regulatory landscapes that facilitate easier access to telehealth solutions. Services like remote patient monitoring, virtual consultations, and mobile health applications are becoming standard offerings, necessitating a shift in both the structure and skillset of the healthcare workforce.

Changing Skill Sets for Healthcare Professionals

The skills required in healthcare are evolving as telehealth becomes more prevalent. Beyond the traditional clinical expertise, healthcare professionals now need a robust set of digital competencies:

  • Digital Literacy: Proficiency with digital tools and platforms that facilitate telehealth.
  • Remote Patient Engagement: Techniques to effectively communicate and engage patients through digital mediums.
  • Data Management Skills: Ability to manage and analyze digital health data to improve patient care outcomes.

These emerging requirements necessitate a transformation in professional development and continuing education for healthcare workers, ensuring they are equipped to meet these new challenges.

Impact on Healthcare Education and Training

To align with the shifting landscape, medical education and training programs are rapidly adapting. Leading medical schools and healthcare institutions are integrating telehealth modules into their curricula, focusing on areas such as digital patient interaction, cybersecurity in healthcare, and remote diagnostics. Additionally, partnerships between healthcare providers and educational institutions are increasingly common, aimed at offering hands-on telehealth training. For instance, certifications in telehealth administration and virtual care management are now available, helping current and future healthcare professionals gain necessary skills.

Recruitment and Hiring Trends in Telehealth

The demand for telehealth services has significantly altered recruitment priorities within the healthcare sector. New roles, such as telehealth technicians and virtual care coordinators, are becoming crucial in organizations. These positions often require a blend of healthcare knowledge and technical expertise, emphasizing the need for candidates who are not only clinically proficient but also technologically savvy. The recruitment process itself is adapting, with more focus on assessing candidates’ comfort and effectiveness in virtual environments.

Future of Healthcare Talent Landscape Post-Telehealth Expansion

As telehealth continues to evolve, it is expected to catalyze the emergence of new specialties and disciplines within healthcare. Future healthcare professionals might see roles such as telehealth impact analysts or digital health strategists becoming common. These roles would blend traditional healthcare functions with emerging tech-focused needs, reflecting the ongoing integration of IT and healthcare services.


The rise of telehealth is fundamentally reshaping the healthcare talent landscape, necessitating a reevaluation of skills, training, and recruitment strategies. Healthcare organizations must proactively adapt to these changes to ensure their workforces are equipped to meet the new demands of digital health delivery.

The implementation of a telemedicine program was associated with 11% cost savings and an estimated return on investment of $3.30 for every $1 spent as reported by American Hospital Association.
As the boundaries of healthcare continue to expand, staying ahead in telehealth readiness will not only benefit patient outcomes but also strengthen the healthcare system’s resilience in facing future challenges.

This ongoing shift presents an exciting opportunity for healthcare leaders to innovate and rethink traditional approaches to healthcare delivery and workforce development. Embracing these changes will be key to thriving in the evolving healthcare ecosystem.

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